Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nicaragua 2010

For The Joy Ministries

El Ayudante Child Protection Center

January 16th-22nd 2010, our team will again travel to Leon, Nicaragua.

Attached you will find out supply list for the trip. If you are led to help in this way please contact Tammie Fenn or you may also contact For The Joy Ministries.

Our team currently consists of 12 newbies and experienced mission team workers. Please pray for others to join our team and pray for those who've already committed to travelling.

As a team, we will need to raise $1,500.00 per person to travel to Nicaragua. We work individually and as a team to raise the funds used for the expenses of the trip. Below is a breakdown of the expenses we will incure.

FLIGHT including taxes $492.00
El Ayudante Room + Board $525.00
Hotel Friday January 22th $50.00
Friday lunch and dinner $50.00
Construction Costs $125.00
Overall Ministry Costs $125.00
Miscellaneous $50.00
Luggage ( checking ) $50.00

Total $1467.00

Several of our team mates may have never travelled outside the U.S. other than Candian trips. They may not have passports or have been to a travel clinic. Please pray that funds may come in for those expenses also. Travel clinic expenses by the way are not covered by insurance companies(an odd thing since health insurance covers preventive services! :) )

I think this covers most peoples questions about the specifics of being sent to Nicaragua. If you have questions please contact For The Joy Ministries or myself and we will be glad to help you!

Tammie Kay Fenn

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Open Door Outreach Center Rummage Sale!

Please see the attached flyer regarding our Parking Lot Sale to be held on Friday, July 17th 10 am to 4 pm and
Saturday, July 18th 10am to 3pm

Open Door Outreach Center has been serving the Waterford, Union Lake, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, White Lake, West Bloomfield, Walled Lake and parts of Wixom since 1980.
Mission Statement of Open Door Outreach Center

Celebrating the spirit of interfaith charity and recognizing the human dignity of all persons, the Open Door Outreach's primary mission is to provide emergency services (food, clothing, and referral information)
to families in need.
Open Door may offer, as funding permits, other special assistance programs and supplemental services meant to improve the quality of life in the community.

To meet its mission of servicing families living in designated townships in Western Oakland County, Open Door is dependant upon generous, on-going support and funding from individuals, local busineses, corporations and religious and civic organizations.
If you would be interested in supporting or volunteering at Open Door please contact our Director Sharon Josephson at: 248-360-2931, she would love to hear from you!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hi. I am going to post some events that are coming up at the Food Pantry where I work. It is a fun time of year and I hope you can participate with us!

At the left is a flyer you can click on, this flyer lists items needed for our pantry at Open Door for the summer months of June/July.
The list of food on the flyer is what we have been lacking from the purchases from Gleaners Food Bank; we pay .10/lb for food. Since the area has such a high unemployment rate, Gleaners has needed to supply a higher demand, which means our order from them may not be filled totally. If people are inclined to give cash/checks this is also ppreciated.

June 20,2009 is the annual Julie Run/Walk at Central High School. If you are interested please go to you may register for the race and pay the registration fee online also.

During later part of July thru August we will be collecting School Supplies: 3 Ring Binders, High Lighter Markers, Glue sticks, Crayolas, Markers, and Rulers. We are set on Liquid glue, pens and pencils (last count of pens and pencils was around 5,000-10,000!). We are asking churches, agencies, businesses and individuals to donate however they are led. If they would like the opportunity to donate gift cards to Payless shoes, Meijer’s, Kmart, and Wal-Mart, Target, JcPenney or Kohl's this would give parents the opportunity to shop for an outfit for their child (ren).

We have a volunteer luncheon coming up soon. We are also in need of monies, for this event. If your group would be interested in helping with funding for that this is another area of need for the center as we like to recognize our volunteers.

We also celebreate Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter.
Thanksgiving we supply families with a turkey or turkey breast and other food items for a festive dinner. At Christmas time we have found that most agnecies sponsor families. Our agency however provides only seniors as we feel that seniors a forgotten group at this time of year. We provide eligible seniors with a nice Christmas dinner, a gift card and other small gift items. We are also looking for a few reliable volunteers who would be able to adopt a family for Christmas; we could supply the family name, and children/ages. At Easter time we provide our client families with a dinner, Easter candies, and books for the children in the family.

Mid-December we collect, coats, new/or gently used, hats, gloves, boots, snow pants. Schools in the area call to let us know of the needs they have within their school, we are able to provide sizes when we have them. I remember one year we needed coats for high school students who were in need. Maybe your group could cover that age group. All winter apparel are given to the clients throughout the winter as they request, if we have it we give it, if we don’t have it we figure it out.

Now...if there is something else that you might have an idea to suggest please let me know. We ask that everyone keep us in mind and whatever is raised as monetarily or donated food/clothing wise, we appreciate all that is done! We and our clients are so grateful for all donations we recieve!

If there are other groups you know of who would be interested in any of these ideas please pass the info along.

The only items we do not accept for donations are: baby car seats, computers/monitors/mouse etc, and furniture, TVs (As we have such limited space and baby car seat requirements change so frequently we can’t accept them).

Blessings to you! Tammie Kay Fenn

Our site has information of volunteer opportunities, Julie Walk/Run 2009, Outhouse Golf Outing 2009, and information on our resale store for the public, we also use donated clothing for our clients.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request...Little Ella Hodges

Please keep precious Ella in your prayers. Ella was born with Spina Bifida. I am not sure if the procedures and illness are due to her special need. She needs our prayers. Those of you who have children know the feeling as a parent when your child is ill and the helpless feelings that sometimes comes along with it, I can only imagine what Randy, Lori and the rest of the family is going through right now. I know what it was like when Adam and Jeffrey were born 8 weeks preterm and all their health challanges.

My Prayers are with you Randy, Lori and little Ella. Love to you all. Lori, and Randy my heart is acheing for you sweethearts.


P.S. below is a letter from Lori...

Not much time here to write, but know you would appreciate an update. HORRIBLE, horrible day today. Ella was doing so well yesterday, and took a turn for the worse today. Started running a temp (103), heart rate over 200, very lethargic, having trouble breathing, etc.

Many tests done, Ella had to endure so much pain and agony. The doctors did not want to give her anesthesia due to her critical condition as it may complicate things. A shunt tap was done. Xrays showed fluid in her chest cavity...doctors performed surgery with only a small amount of lidocaine to numb the area and removed almost 300cc's of fluid. The fluid caused her lung to almost completely collapse and her little heart is working overtime to compensate. In addition, doctors found a pocket of air outside her lung after removing the VP shunt tubing.

They are waiting a few hours to see if it will come out on its own. Chances are slim and good chance she will undergo another surgery tonight to put in a drain to let the air out. The doctors do not want to go this route because it is very painful and are not sure how much anesthesia she can handle safely. It goes on and on...she looks so sad and in some ways I sense she is done fighting. She has been very sick now for over 9 weeks and has endured too many painful procedures, long hospitalizations and so forth. As a mother, you can't begin to know my anguish and deep sadness.

Thanks for your prayers, Lori

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is a video about what photographers do to pictures to ready them for an ad in magazines.
I found it to be quite interesting.

What one sees in a magazine is not always the true picture. When I think about this video I wonder what the models think of what happens to their image?

For all of you who know me,
What is you see of me is what you get,
I dont pretend to be anyone other than myself. It is less confusing that way.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Absence Note to Teacher..

I thought this was cute! How cool Presidnet Obama would do this! :0)
Anyway, I am always looking for things to make me about you???

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Lil Furry Four Legged Friend...

On Monday of this week we learned our 2 year old kitten, Freddie, developed Hepatitis. We are not sure what caused his liver to start shutting down.

From the different articles I read on the internet a cat doesnt always show signs of liver disease right away. We did not figure it out til Monday, when I noticed his little nose, inside of his ears, the pads on his paws and the gums were all yellow. Thinking maybe there would be something we could do at home I quickly looked up liver diseases in cats on the internet. The symptoms of what I was seeing was indeed liver
disease as described on the differing internet articles, but I was
prepared fo the worst. Yet the vet and her boss convinced me to
take him home and give him some nursing care hoping he would pull
out of it.

Hoping that he would pull through I gave him water with as syringe, and gave him a pill, which I gave to him on another kind of syringe used to medicate animals.
Then came the battle to feed Freddie cat food, wet cat food.
Have you ever smelled that stuff? Freddie just did not want to eat
that ick no matter how hard I tried to feed it to him. I even gave him the choice to lick a bit off my finger, still he choose not to taste it.
Someone advised, go to the grocery store and buy some baby food jarred chicken, it is smoother than cat food and it will be easier for him to take in than the cat food. I figured okay, well if their cat pulled through whatever it was when it was ill maybe it'll help Freddie. So off to the store I go to buy some baby food. Sure enough, he liked it and ate almost a teaspoon of the stuff and nearly a syringe full of water. When he got done eating, he was purring and looking bright eyed, he even sorta smiled at me, which made me laugh and cry at the same time.

The vet had asked if I had noticed that Freddie had stopped eating. I felt so bad because no I hadnt noticed!!!! What kind of kitty mom am I anyway, that I didnt notice? I thought to myself. Just as I was getting ready to give myself a chastising for not watching poor Freddie closer she asked if we had other cats. I said yes. She said well you would not know who was eating and who wasnt, it is okay, dont worry. She asked if our other kitties were doing okay, are they showing any signs like Freddie. I said no, no symptoms and I even see them eating every other minute of the day!
I learned that cats will stop eating their food anywhere from a week to two weeks before they start showing signs of liver failure. Even before that time period their body is already going through liver shut down.

To make a long story short, Freddie had a long week. So did my family as we watched him fight to stay alive and be with us. Each day we tried to do our best nursing care we could for Freddie.
This evening, Adam my son and I, took Freddie to the vet to be euthanized. The vet saw our faces and knew that our week had been a long one for human and animal. He reassured us that we did what we could for Freddie. I was glad to be consolled as we were.

Remember, my family (the four footed fur ones too) and myself this week. Our hearts feel a bit emptier. Our minds are filled with many memories of Freddie and all the fun we had with him.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Prayer Request and Summer Thoughts!

As most of you know, I have rheumatoid arthritis. I agreed with my dr. to give Humira a try.
I will have my 4th injection next week. My request is that I do not become ill in the next week. If I were to become ill, I will not be able to have the injection.

Humira can lower my immunity. So there are times where my friends don't see me at church. This is a hard road to go because I feel isolated and it keeps me from where I like to be most, with friends who are my family!

Summer is coming! I love summer! :) I like to sit outside on my porch swing, watching and listening: seeing the sunshine, hearing the birds chirp their little birdie songs, and the laughter of the children in our neighborhood as they have fun playing games.

My hope that this summer I will be able to do a couple things. I would like to take my little dog Arthur for a walk around the block. For me to do this would be so nice. I have arthritis in my feet, of all places, can you imagine! The other thing would be to do some gardening. I love gardening. But squatting to plant, or kneeling, is a challenge.

I guess my hope is to be more active this summer, instead of being an audience to everything that is going on around me.

Could you keep those things in your mind about me?

I am currently in Physical Therapy. I am hoping this will help me get ready for summer.

My doctors, would like me to move around a bit more also. I have told them what the problem is and they are working with me to get me to where I can do the things I like to do again.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Who's In the Attic???

"Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?" Psalm 139:7

When I read this Psalm it reminded me of the times when I thought I could run. Run from my problems, run from my family, run from reality. Just like the above Psalm the devotion below reminds me that I can try to flee from God, but He isnt going to be the one that leaves, he is there with me the whole time.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Remember nothing can separate us from the love of God!

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for your messages you send to me when I need them the most. I love your word that is so simple and unburdensome. Thank you for seeing what goes on in my life and thank you for the plan you can for prosper!

Tammie Kay

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who's In the Attic? Reflection by William C. Green
"A little while, and you will no longer see me, and again a little while, and you will see me." Excerpt from: John 16:16-24

I used to like playing hide and seek. But once I was not found. I'd hidden in the attic. After about ten minutes, this game was no longer any fun. I gave up, came down, threw up my hands, and said to my friends, "You idiots!"Not finding Jesus, I can feel like an idiot.
I'm told to look in all the usual places-church, times of prayer, reading the Bible, perhaps talking with others at church. It's not that I want a vision, or some mysterious appearance, which is probably just as well because if that's what I found I'd be scared to death, as if I'd seen a ghost.
Perhaps Jesus says he won't be seen for a while, not because he's soon to disappear in death-but because he's afraid the disciples will. He's afraid they could just give up and go home. He knows the pain and anguish involved in trying to share God's love amid error, tragedy, and the threat of death.
It's hard not to run away and hide in the attic of faded hopes and dreams, all alone, scared of ghosts, We hide. God seeks. Jesus doesn't go away. We do. But God's love is there all the time, never giving up. Once lost, we're found.

I can't hide any longer, Lord Jesus. You call me out of the attic of my own ghosts and fears into the confidence of fresh hope. Where I now go, you go with me. Amen.

About the AuthorWilliam C. Green has served in the local, Conference, and national settings of the United Church of Christ.

My God, In Whom I trust

Thanks Scott, for your email today. It helps me to remember where to keep my focus in times where I feel fear just like a little child would. You have spoken the words that were in my heart but unable to express.

May I remember also that Jesus loves the little children, and that He would like me to come to Him as a little child would, with trust.


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, "My Refuge and my Fortress, my God, in whom I trust!" For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His opinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.” Psalm 91:1-4 NIV

When we discover that we are powerless to fight our strongholds and our issues alone we become as weak as little children. We feel helpless to protect ourselves, caught in a whirlwind of our own making. We turn to God, our Rescuer, because there in nowhere else to go. He is our Rock and our Redeemer. It is comforting to know that when we cry out, God will indeed rescue us, protect us, and love us as a mother bird protects her young, as new parents protect their child. We are children of God. God, our powerful defender will never fail us when (IF) we turn to Him for shelter and safety.

Have we turned to Him for shelter and safety? Have we surrendered and turned our lives over to God, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit? When we discover that we are powerless where else is it we turn? We may turn to means that will take us away from these troubles temporarily, we think, but when we come back, our troubles are still there. Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness. Make today the day we turn our lies over, surrender to, and invite Jesus to take over our lives. He is as the Psalmist says, My Refuge and my Fortress, My God, in whom I trust.

Have we entrusted Him with our lives, yet?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Today I received some information from my doctor concerning recent bloodwork and an mri.
My rheumatoid factor is skyhigh...95...a typical rheumatoid factor is suppose to be 14 or less. My liver enzymes were a bit be expected since I take so much medications and most go through my liver.

The question that whirls through my mind in times like my appt today is...Why? Why do I have to go through this? I am a good person who has a pretty good life.

Sometimes I wonder what the purpose is in all that I go through. I keep thinking I just cant wrap my head around the possible right answer.

I heard my doctor say nearly the same thing when we were talking about the economy and how are people suppose to live. Why? Why do good people have to go through all this economy stuff? Why do that have to lose their jobs, their homes and suffer? I looked at him and wished I could have given him an answer.

I told him well...I am not sure. I did tell him you know there was a King in the old testament that asked some questions similar to what we are talking about...Why do I have to toil in the sun for nothing???? my dr. smiled.

I wonder the same, why are we toiling away to have everything ripped right out from us. We will possibly have no retirement funds, social security etc. Things really look bleak right now.

The thing in all of this is that whether we are ill, lose our jobs, our homes, and etc. we have a God who cares about us, loves us and knows the plan...and the biggest most awesome part is that God doesnt have a plan B.

I happen to be glad I am not the only one who wonders why about things. I hope Dr. Arabbo is talking to God right now about the things that are perplexing him so much, I know I will be talking to God...I know he has the answer!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hangin’ In There...

Whew! June is here! Happy June!
Personally, I am relieved we are in this part of 2009.

My husband, Gary, has worked for G.M. for 25 years.

We had known since last winter things were going to happen at G.M. But we weren’t real sure just what would transpire, we were put in a place where information was given on a “need to know basis”.

From December of last year until the last week of April we had been functioning in a way we have never had to before...not worrying and thinking daily. I had an example of living daily from those of Nicaragua, living in the poorest of conditions. They lived daily, in that moment, not worrying, and talking to God about their deepest concerns.

We werent sure if Gary would lose his job, be “re-leveled” (demoted), or stay in his current position. Each of those situations had things to think about, each of those situations had things that worried me. I kept thinking, “how are we going to do this?” Then I heard a quiet voice remind me about, “not worrying about tomorrow”, asking Him for our “daily bread” and “talk to me”.

I am very relieved to share with you Gary is still working for G.M. Please remember to keep us in your prayers. Changes will be taking place within his “group” at work and of course we don't know what these changes are or what they will mean but as you know...information is still given
on a “need to know basis”.

Food for Thought :0)

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 NIV

Give us each day our daily bread. Luke 11:6 RSV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 NIV

Monday, May 4, 2009


Hi Everyone. I have an urgent prayer request from my cousin about his daughter(my second cousin).

Ella, my 2 ½ year old Second Cousin, has been in the hospital since last Tuesday (4/28). She was born with Spina Bifida and is paralyzed from the waist down. She has been spiking a high fever for several days and the doctors found that one of her kidneys was infected. Last Thursday they inserted a pick line for her antibiotics and a tube into her kidney to drain it. Since then her stomach and intestines shut down, they think due to shock, but have that somewhat under control by inserting a tube into her stomach to drain it. She continues to have a high fever.
Today she will get a blood transfusion because her hemoglobin is low. The doctors also plan on tapping the shunt in her head to see if that is infected and do more tests to find out exactly what is going on.

Randy & Lori (Her parents) and Ella are drained emotionally and physically. Please pray that Randy & Lori will be able to make good decisions regarding Ella’s care. Ella is not allowed to eat or drink anything until they can get some answers.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Often after I past the question of why, I then move to the question of how.

God how would you like to me use this to glorify you?

So right now...I am wondering this. I am staying quiet so I can hear what he might say.
Looking at life right now to see where the how question to be answered.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I often wonder why.
I'm not sure.

I wonder when I will be healed. Some days I dont care what day it will be, whether it will be here on earth or in heaven. Those are the good days. :) The bad days I believe this too. Just a bit harder to believe I guess.

I often wonder why I have to be in pain.
I learned that pain is God's gift to us to help us know when something is wrong with our bodies so we can get the care we need. Im glad that He made our bodies in such a way to signal us when things are going wrong.

Back to the orignial question, why suffering?
Is it for us to reflect on our lives, ourselves, others, God or what?

I know my response for the past 10 years has been whatever God, and I dont mean that to be a sarcastic thing. I mean God whatever your will is for the pain, and weird things that go on with my body.

I cry in his arms, they are the strongest. When I relax I see myself laying in His arms, and Him stroking my head and hair ever so gently.

Really I cant think of any other place I would rather be, in His arms being comforted. Because there is no other place I can get comfort that is so loving and gentle.

Those are my thoughts on suffering. I dont know the whys of suffering, but I know who to turn to in times where life is hard. It is easier than what I might resort to.

What is my focus...what will be the response???? I can focus on suffering and how terrible it is, or I can focus on who God is. My response can be one of surrending the battle of suffering with a huge fight, looking to Him for answers about treaments, doctors, and respond with thanksgiving, praise and worship for the things that can be done. The things that can't be done, well He is gonna get the glory cause I dont know how He will use me and the situation I am in!

Below is an execerpt from a Grief Share Devotional that I received in my email.

Excerpt from Grief Share Limited Answers Day 192

Here is the challenge: Do not use your suffering as a time to discover if you believe in God, but focus instead on discovering what you believe about Him. In times of suffering, God does not change, but what you believe about Him, what you understand about Him, may.

You will likely have questions to which you will never receive answers. It is human nature to want all the pieces to fit, to want to make sense of things. But there are times when that will not happen.

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12).

God, instead of focusing on the questions, I want to start focusing on the Answer--You. Help me to better understand Your attributes and Your plan for my life. Amen.

Suggested reading from the GriefShare HelpCenter
When God WeepsJoni Eareckson Tada

Friday, April 3, 2009

WHY, God Why?!

I often have the question, Why God?

I was reminded of this again this morning through a devotional I have been receiving through an organization called GriefShare. It is a ministry for those who have experienced a death of a loved one. I was involved in a support group that lasted 3 months. A very good program.

I am sure others have the same question on their mind when things happen in their life and they have no answer.

In the past year I have asked the Why question many times. Often times there is no answer, not one I can come up with from myself or others, God doesn't answer either. I get frustrated. I think okay, when will the answer come?

Then my thoughts come back to this verse,

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, declares the Lord."

This brings me back to this one thought track I have been having...where is my focus...and what is my response going to be.

In this I am brought back to the thought that God's thoughts may be such that I won't understand the reason he has for things that happen in my life, that I won't understand why. I have decided I dont have to understand why, but trust and have faith that God does know why. I have learned to trust that God has the answer and that He knows best for me in my life, now that is FAITH! I have faith even though I dont know the answer.

Below is the copy of the devotional I received this morning.

The Why of DeathDay 188

Right now you might not be feeling very close to God. You might be thinking, Where is God? Does God really care? How could He let this happen? What does my future hold?

Dr. Robert Jeffress shares the response of a man who lost three of his seven children through horrible deaths to leukemia: "When somebody asks him, 'How could you keep believing in a God who would allow you and your children to experience such a tragedy?', this is what he says, 'In those kind of experiences you have two choices: You can either give up or you can keep believing in God even when it doesn't make sense. Faith means something when it's exercised in the darkness.'"

Dr. Jeffress adds his own insight: "I believe that faith means something when you don't understand the whys. I don't think God ever condemns you for asking why. But in the ultimate analysis, the question is not why but it is Who? God calls on you to believe in Him who said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live again' [John 14:6, 11:25]. Ultimately you must trust in that."

Lord God, I have so many questions and doubts and feelings of guilt and blame. Where do I go from here? Lead me in Your way, truth, and life. Amen.

If you are in a Season of Grief, you can go to GriefShare to find a group and read devotionals, and even receive devotionals if you would like!

'A Season of Grief' from GriefSharedaily emails to help you through the grieving process--------------------------------------------------------
Grief support groups:Go to the following link to find a GriefShare group near you:
Want to read ahead or resend a previous daily email? Click the link below:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Turkey or Eagle, Which are you???

Very often I will receive something in my email box that hits the nail on whatever I am dealing with in my life. Below is an excerpt from Billy Graham's Decision Magazine. I posted the link at the end if you would like to read the whole devotion.

I was reminded today of what my focus should be....on Jesus Savior and Redeemer. That he knows the plans for me, that when things happen He will have an answer for me.

Anyway, enough said.

I received this in another email,

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11 (NKJV)

"Besides feeling totally helpless, what has been your reaction? Are you defiantly standing in the midst of the swirling circumstances, yelling in your spirit, Why did You let this bad thing happen? Or maybe you’re withdrawing into a shell of denial and depression, hoping that things won’t get any worse.

I have heard that a turkey and an eagle react differently to the threat of a storm. A turkey runs under the barn, hoping the storm won’t come near. An eagle leaves the security of its nest, spreads its wings and rides the air currents of the storm, knowing its wings will carry it higher in the sky than it could soar on its own. Based on your reaction to what has happened in your life, which are you—a turkey or an eagle?It’s natural for me to be a turkey in my emotions, but I have chosen to be an eagle in my spirit. And as I have spread my wings of faith to embrace the “wind,” placing my trust in Jesus and Jesus alone, I have experienced quiet, “everyday” miracles:His joy has balanced my pain,His power has lifted my burden,His peace has calmed my worries,His grace has been more than adequate to cover me,His strength has been sufficient to carry me though,His love has bathed my wounds like a healing balm …And through it all, I have seen the Lord!"

Below is the link from the section above:

May your focus today be on the One who Forgives, Saves, and Redeems!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It has been a while.

As much as I love my husband, sons, dogs and cats here in Michigan I sure miss the people of Nicaragua! :)

Not a day goes by that I haven't thought of the sweet people I met in Leon.

Oh....BTW....I have been invited by the team leader to go back to Leon in 2010! I am thrilled! When I received the email...I nearly did a dance. I can hardly wait. But then...the fundraising starts all over again, my least favorite part of going out on mission trips.

My thoughts have been on what can we do to serve them in 2010! What will the Lord have us do during that time.

I especially miss the children that we worked with. There were so many that we ministered to. I am so glad that our team photographer took pictures of the children. So many were just so delighted to have us come play and show Jesus' love to them.

I am hoping things work out so that I can go back in January of 2010...Lord willing of course.

My heart continues to be ministered to through music here at home. I love music. I have been enjoying a song called "Joy", by this singer named Niyoki. Joy....unspeakable... joy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why the URL Focus and Response?

Focus and Response

In a grief support group I attended last fall I learned that instead of asking the question WHY?
and thinking God I need you to answer, is not necesarily the things I want to know, but get caught in the questioning of death and life situations that are tough and painful.

It is in the questions we have for God that we steer our focus away from our situation and to Him, seeking Him, trusting Him in his timing that we will receive an answer. Then my next thought was okay, When will he answer me.

So my focus to be on you God, okay what am I to do in the meantime waiting for an answer from you? The response to God in the waiting ....worshipping, praising, and ministering while waiting for the answer.

I saw this while we were in Nicaragua. Those we visited on two afternoons asked God for someone to come visit and for him to supply their daily need of food. What was their response in the wait for their prayers to be answered? Prayer, worship and praise!

We visited many families that did indeed pray that God would send someone to visit them, talk about God and what he is doing in their lives and bring some food.

As I was writing this I was reminded of a verse in John 16:24, "Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name. Ask and you will recieve and your joy will be complete."

The Joy is the answer to prayer.

I was also thinking this week Lord, what is it you wanted me to learn from these people. These dear children of our Father are starving and without homes.

My husband next week finds out his fate with his employment at General Motors. We are waiting for an answer. What has our focus been...waiting on God to do His will, not ours. It is out of our hands. Either way we are going to experience life in a different way, one more severe than the other. So while we wait, do we spend every waking moment worrying? No. Do we spend every waking moment looking for work or making our to do lists for "Just in Case", no because doing either one leaves us spinning our wheels. So our response while we focus on God and His will for Gary's employment is prayer, and praise. Praise because God has been good to us for our whole married lives. I can't not praise God for his goodness, he has been good in every circumstance.

So back to the people we ministered to. I know that they also put their focus on God and that they Respond to Him in Trust. So I will follow suit. I will leave it in His hands, he has the answer, and as my friend Scott says, God has only a plan A!


Dot celebrated her 50th mission trip while we were in Nicaragua.
I while know she has been to Poland, Austria, Thiland, and Nicaragua, I am not sure where else Dot has been. I will have to ask you and give you an update later. I have worked with Dot on three different trips to Nicaragua. Each trip having a different number of people of different ages. This trip was a smaller group but still with a wide age range.
I found that Dot and I have similar interests, missions, teaching children and ministering to adults. She also made sure all the trips we went on together to bring our friends...the puppets. I was glad to use those again!
Dot is a retired school teacher. Teaching is deep in her heart. I was so pleased to know she would be joining us on the trip to Nicaragua this year.

This year travelling had a bit of a glitch for Dot. She broke a bone in her foot a month or two before we left. She was determined to go, I admire that. She was able to get her cast off in time before we left. She did have leftovers from the injury, swelling if she stayed on it too long. But she knew her limits and heeded them.

Besides working with children Dot does like to do construction work. I thought it was neat she was still determined to do it even though her foot still was giving her problems.
Dot is the person in the dark shorts, working with Linda, mixing cement for the El Ayudante all girls dorm sidewalk.

Dot made a list of teaching supplies we would be giving out to the different teachers we would meet while on our trip. We made sure to give each preschool teacher a kit and then Sister Paula some for the school at Scared Heart of Mary Orphange. The teachers are always so pleased and very blessed by the gift of the supplies. Teachers are not given any monies to use on their classes, which means they buy them theirselves or go without. The packets included a stapler, grade book, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, staples, paper clips, thumb tacks and maybe a few other things.
Often I had Dot asking me about where supplies should/could go. I would offer how about where we are going to minister, she said that is what I thought too. I think we did end up having supplies delivered to a preschool we didnt visit as we wanted to bless a group of teachers that maybe doesnt get a regular visit from a mission team.

Three years ago when we gathered supplies I didnt count the number of pencils we had brought with us but I was sure of two things: we had enough pencils to give each villager of Ruben Dario and they must have multiplied in the air, those are good guesses.

I have loved working with Dot as she has teaching experience and has wonderful ideas about how to handle the kids in different situations. She and her husband Jim, taught me an easy way to get our play equipment back from each child when it was time to leave, give them back something in return to take home. So that started the Beanie Baby collecting that happens when we go to Nicaragua. We have the kids stand in a single line, as they come to the front of the line they exchange the play equipment to get a Beanie. No tears, only smiles this way!

The other thing I learned was to make sure if we were going to give out prizes or anything that we had to have enough so each child got whatever we handed out. I was told that sometimes the kids will fight over the items if only one child gets something. For instance supplies.

Dot also aided our group in getting extra hygiene supplies. We took these supplies with us to the girls orphanage and gave them out to those we visited during home visits with Pastor Felix and Pastor John Paul. We had packed around 200 kits and then packed bulk hotel sized shampoo, conditioner, combs, mouth wash, and lotion that we put in ziplock baggies when we got to Nica.

Dot thanks for all you do. You have been a great role model to me, I have learned a lot. There are still many things to learn, and hopefully we will work together again soon!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Reverse Culture Shock...

Every mission trip I have been on has been around 8-10 days. Enough time to get used to the culture I immerse myself in. Enough time to get used to the food and making friends with the local people, staff and my heart stolen by a child we worked with.

Often times, I dont even recognize I miss someone from the area we have worked in. This trip however, I was hit hard, my heart was moved and captured by one little girl living in the all girls orphanage of Sacred Heart of Mary. She had a beautiful smile, brown eyes, and her hair done up in three pony tails. I loved watching her and sat next to her and our translator Luis when she was making her picture frame with her glued down with glittery red foam letters. She was quiet.
I didnt watch her blow her bubbles but I got to see the many pictures of her that Scott and Linda took of her.

When I packed for the trip I put in my usual wardrobe of four skirts and two pairs of pants, along with other needed apparel I would use. The night before leaving I had decided that maybe I put too much in my suitcase and it would weigh too much! Anyway, after arriving in Leon I was going through my suitcase and notice the grave error that I had made in making my suitcase a bit lighter, I packed only two dresses I could really wear the third one being something to wear when we got to managua. I had packed the two pair of pants. My intention was to take the skirts and leave just one pair of pants in my suitcase. Luckily laundry was done while we were there!

When I got back home from Nicaragua it was interesting having my full wardrobe to wear again, but I found on Tuesday morning it was too much to go through and find something to wear to work! Yikes. I just didnt feel like making any decision, it was too much. So thank goodness I own a pair of black pants and brightly colored shirts and sweaters. I was set to go once I found the pants and a shirt to wear. No decision any longer.

I found being a passenger in my husbands car on the way home from Detroit Metro a bit overwhelming as we were headed home. All these lanes of cars! wow. In Nicaragua the freeway was a two lane road all the way from Managua to Leon. Nothing like here in the U.S. where all the main freeways are two or four lanes on each side!

The biggest thing for me was having to start cooking again, cleaning house and running errands.
I didnt do this the whole time we were gone. I gave no thought to it as our meals were prepared, our clothing and towels were laundered for us. We did not have anything to think about other than the ministry we were planning! :)

It is February 11, and I am still feeling the readjustment.

We went to church twice on Sunday while in Leon. Then we also had two Bible studies we led during the week we were there. All the services and Bible studies we had praise and worship for nearly a half hour. All the music was loud and lively and beautiful. People sang with passion to God. I TRULY so miss that. Being among these brothers and sisters worshipping was so wonderful. I can only imagine what God hears when we praise and worship him in music. Worshipping in different countries gives me a taste of what it might be like for God!

At the left is a wanted poster. Mr. Frog seemed to not have made it back from Leon. I wonder what his adventures are like? I wonder if some little child has been enjoying Mr.Frog's rendition of "On the Road Again" as that is his favorite song to sing!

Thank you all who helped send out team to Leon. It was a very sweet time. I enjoy thinking about the time we spent there ministering, encouraging and answering many peoples prayers.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is our team photographer. I sure appreciated her taking this job, because when we are busy working with kids she can take photos, and she did a terrific job. It is always neat to see things from a different point of view, and see things from someone else who has never been to Nicaragua.
There are so many cool things to take pictures of, for example volcanos and daily life in the barrios.

Then there are all the pictures of the children. Everyone of them catches our hearts. Having pictures of the children help us to remember stories of them, the fun we had and how special they are.

For me, pictures jog my memory a bit. What we did on the different days.
Linda did a huge job. She took many of her own pictures, I didnt even think to ask her how many she took. Then when we got back to the States she got everyone else's pictures and put them in one big file to make a presentation! I think there are over 500 pictures in the file she created.

I loved the two pics she got of some birds she saw. I was thankful she captured them on film. Linda's hobby is bird watching! It is cool to have someone with an 'eye' to know what to look for when setting up a picture.

I enjoyed watching her when I could. Glad to have her as our photographer.
I also found out Linda has a tender heart, and likes kids, I know she had a favorite little friend at the girl's orphanage. (for some reason I thought I had a pic somewhere of her holding the little girl...but couldnt find it...maybe my imagination? who knows!) She has an awesome testimony about her life, which touched so many women at a Bible study we had. Her testimony helped so many women.

In the New Testament I remember a verse that says: "I thank God for you every time I think of you." Linda this is true, I do. Thank you for your courage, strength and tenderheart.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Men Team Members

I would like to introduce you to the men of our team. left to right are Mark, Don, Lynn and Scott.
It is neat to be able to travel with a group of guys who are willing to play with little kids and also go to an all girls orphanage. I know there were times they probably would have rather said, No Tammie I dont want to go play with those little girls. I am glad though that they did go with us, to the VBS programs we had for the children we ministered to.
I feel our guys are very loving, sweet, protective and great role models. Each has their own talent and they are all able to share their love of Christ to anyone they come in contact with. I have been amazed time again when I have worked with Don, Lynn and Scott at their polite and gentle attitude toward the women on our team.
Mark he is fun to talk to, and listen to about his life. I love reading through his facebook and getting to know him. He seems to like playing with kids. After Sunday after church he played with a group of boys in the churchyard. He had folded a piece of paper up into an airplane and was flying it to them. He also had a good time when one of the boys from the church convinced me to open my hand so they could put something in it...I knew it was going to be gross of disgusting...and I did...well....they put an iguna foot in my palm. Mark was laughing before it even hit my hand. Course to make the boys laugh I made a big deal out of it, they loved surprising me! Mark, he loves to laugh. He didnt hesitate to give a testimony I heard when the men went to Bible study and met with the baseball players. He has a gentle attitude, and love Christ, one can just see it in his face!
Then there is Don. Don and I laughed alot too. Must be a family thing for him...Mark is Don's nephew btw. On Sunday we took the kids from El Ayudante to the movie theater to see Bolt. A little girl Dina decided she was going to be friends with Don that day. She and he shared a bus seat and Dina she just loved the stuffins out of Don and well Don, he didnt seem to mind as he was hugging and holding her. It was neat to see that. Don, was a tech guy. He printed off I dont know how many pics of kids for VBS for a project we were doing. It was nice to have him do the picture taking and printing of the pictures. Don and I were also prayer team partners when we went to do home visits. He really could relate to the needs of the ladies and couple gentlement we visited. One point he mentioned several of the people we saw could be his parents. What really caught my attention with Don is that he is very gentlemenly in his manners toward us ladies in the group. While out prayer walking the one day our group came up to a large puddle in the center of a street (it was nasty water too, and took up the whole center), he yelled ahead to the tranlastor to ask the ladies to step back from the road so we would not get wet! I didnt move fast enough, I was at the end of the line in front of Don, he stepped in front of me and said dont move. WOW! I thought, my husband would have never thought of that!!!! Thanks Don!
Then Lynn. Lynn, Lynn, Lynn....What can I say? I have certainly learned to chuckle. Sarcasm sometimes goes right over my head! But with Lynn his sarcasm is always fun and aimed to make everyone laugh. I like that. Like Don, Lynn is considerate too. He and I didnt get to hang out much this time. But he was always around at VBS asking what would you like me to do, I just responded play with the kids or color. I knew he would never paint nails, so I didnt ask him to do that! hehe. Imagine he even said he didnt want a manicure! Anyway, manicures aside, he did go to the dollar store and buy huge amounts of stuff to use with the kids. I think his biggest purchase was a bag full of hair goodies for the girls to do their hair. I loved that he did that. He has I think two girls of his own.
Scott he was our team leader. Our fearless team leader. Do you realize he ate two snapper fish eyes? I cringed at the suggestion someone made he should try them. Course when he saw Daniel take a swallow he must have thought, "well hey, something not to pass up". We got pictures! hehe. Scott has a soft heart for those who dont know the love of God. He is bold. passionate and does not miss an opportunity to tell a person about God's love for that person! Scott is also very gentlemanly and polite. I was so glad to have him behind me walking up one of the volcanos on the saturday before we left. He stopped and got me a limb to use as a walking stick! I told him maybe I can make it now!
Thank you men for coming. I always have a blast with you all when working with you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Source of Backaches

Several of my teammates were able to help the staff construction workers at El Ayudante lay a new sidewalk in front of the girls dorm.
Linda and Dot are mixing cement with water and gravel to get the correct consistency.

Mark's Volcano, cement mix, gravel and water.

Don is pouring cement from the wheelbarrow Mark (white hat) is in the background watching his Uncle.

Leveling the sidewalk.

photos taken by marilyn mckay 2009/01

Sunday, February 1, 2009


It all started probably on Monday morning during devotion time. The birds were singing and flying/swooping in and out of the patio. During praise and worship Ms. Marilyn has her arm raised up and her finger out as a perch waiting for one of the brave birds to land on her finger.
It was so fun seeing her do this every time we were together. I kept hoping a bird would perch on her finger and reward her for her patience!

It never happened. But most of us, I think, wished it would have. It would have been so cool to see it!

One day when Scott and Lauren were out visiting local residents he made a friend. A bird friend. It was cool that Lauren got to take a picture of Scott with the bird perched on his finger.
It tickled me to see that picture.
I guess my point in telling this story is we had a great time, had many fun moments. This was one of them for Scott.

Our last day we had devotions in a different location. We met near the womens dorms in a cover pavilion. The birds seemed to follow us out there also! I was glad. It was nice hearing their sweet birdie songs every morning during devotional time. At one part of our time during devotions Marilyn needed to go get water. So our excellent team photographer said. "hey before she gets back lets get a picture of us all posing with our fingers in the air and then stay that way til she comes out". It was so fun seeing her smile on her face and hearing her laughter, she has a great laugh and beautiful smile.

I am thankful for the time we spent in Nicaragua. For the chance to work with those I had before in the past, Lauren, Dot, Scott, Lynn and Don. Then to meet three newbies to missions, Linda, Marilyn and Mark. It was an awesome time working together. Each person had a different function on our team and each person did a great job.

Group photo taken by Linda Catrell, remaining photos taken by Scott Bondy


Nicaragua 2009 Thank You card used to send supporters of many kinds, prayer supporters, supply donors, and financial donors

Pictures by Scott Bondy

Inside of Card.

Pictures by Scott Bondy

Friday, January 30, 2009

3 Testimonies as Told By Scott...

(From January 25, 2009)
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. -Romans 8:26-27
Our team left Managua, Nicaragua early Sunday morning for Houston and then home to the Detroit area. We had an incredible week in seeing God's glory. There were numerous significant events and we all shared them Saturday night as we debriefed, encouraged each other, discussed re-entry into our culture and 'reverse' culture shock which is an aspect of the short term mission experience.
Prior to our leaving El Ayudante, our host and Mission Director, Bill Cox, shared and told us of the miracles that have happened after people had left the base. As it true with our God, His work for us is never complete.
After a short ride from the El Camino Hotel to the airport, we cleared check in and security without challenge. As I was walking to board the flight I noticed an older Nicaraguan woman in a wheelchair and her husband at her side. I noticed too she had what seemed to be a gentle spirit and I immediately thought of my mother who spent the greater part of her life disabled and too spent time being transported in a wheelchair.
Most of our team was in the middle of the plane, and once we the pilot turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, this woman began to labor back to the bathroom in the rear of the plane. I kept my eye on her as her gait was very choppy, slow, and deliberate much like my mother's had been during her life. As she past my seat her hand slipped off the top of my seat and fell upon my shoulder, she said she was sorry in Spanish and I told her it was no problem. I made eye contact with her, smiled, and put my hand on her shoulder and seemed to rub her shoulder as she past me.On her return to her seat, she again stopped by my seat, as she wasn't moving very well. I again put my hand on her shoulder and told her I would pray for her. She said thank you very much and I watched her as she labored again back to her seat. I prayed for her and asked God to keep her in His grip and asked for favor to rest upon her.
A short while later, I was returning to my seat and I was lead to give Alicia my last disciples cross I had brought on our trip. She was sitting severalrows ahead of me on the aisle. I took my cross off, knelt down to her level, and told her I wanted her to have my cross, told her I would continue to pray for her, asked her her name and again rubbed her shoulder. She looked at the cross, smiled, and thanked me. I could now see that gentle, lovingspirit in her eyes. As I went back to my seat I again prayed for her.
We landed in Houston exactly on schedule and as we taxied to the gate the lead flight attendant announced and asked all passengers to stay seated as one of the passengers needed medical assistance and the medical team would come on the plane to assist. I then looked at my friend Tammie that was sitting next to me and told her that I thought Alicia may be that passenger and told her that I was lead to give her my cross . . Tammie had seen me give her my cross.
As we got to the gate there was an ambulance next to our plane waiting and as they came to get Alicia, she labored with help to the front of the plane . . . as Tammie and I prayed for her.
We serve a GREAT BIG God. He knows our needs, He reveals Himself always, He so loves His children . . . Bill too, has seen and heard of God's miracles right to the end of many short term mission trips. God is so good. We have all heard the saying: God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good . . . it is so true. How did He know Alicia needed prayer? Easy, he's God. And we need to finish the race. God too, knows what each of us are struggling with today and He too loves us more than we can ever imagine. Let the Spirit lead us in prayer and lift up those we know need prayer and pray for each other. And while you are at it . . . say a prayer for Alicia. Thank you Lord for revealing yourself in a mighty way. Thank You Lord for revealing yourself. We love you Jesus!

(From January 23, 2009)
Jesus answered, " I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and Spirit.Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ' You mustbe born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear the sound, but you cannot tell where it comes fromor where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. "-John 2:5-8
Last night, the men on our team went to have bible study and fellowship with the men at Inglesia de Mount Horeb ( church ) in the barrioof William Fonseca in the northwest area of Leon, Nicaragua. Last year, we too met and had bible study and fellowship with these men.
Last year was the first time this church had met as a group of men. Last night our time started with worship and we were blessed, again, with worshipping with our friend Clara, who leads worship, and we again were overwhelmed with God blessing us with her spirit and her incredible gift of voice as she sang and worshipped. The worship band consisted of a drummer, a young man on the bongos, and an organist. Worship here is an integral component of all gatherings in the church. It is common for the worship time to last over an hour and the time is their time to truly worship God.
Last night we had bible study with about 50 men. We chose to form a circle to maintain a more personal, intimate type gathering. We began in prayer. I was the first to speak, I welcomed them and asked how many were present last year and there were about 15-20 that acknowledged.
I spoke about the Armor of God, about character, about holy living, and about resisting the evil one. I stressed and challenged the men to find another man to be accountable to daily. I spoke about being a good person and segued to the ten commandments highlighting how much our God hates sin. At the end of my talk, I asked if there was anyone tonight who was being lead to accept Jesus and turn his life over to Him and that we would be honored and blessed to pray with them.
My friend Lynn shared his testimony and it was straight from the heart. Prior to going to study Lynn had told me he wasn't up for sharingas we had a long hard day and he wasn't being lead to talk. However, as God often does, Lynn knew he needed to share his testimony as there were many men who have lived Lynn's testimony or know someone who is living it now. He was rewarded with much applause.
We had a few Nicaraguans share their stories, stories of partying, stories of drugs and alcohol, stories of pushing God away, stories of emptiness, stories of denial and thinking that knowing who God is is enough to get to eternal life with Him . . . stories that we all hear in theUnited States when men ( and women ) become real and truly seek God.
Don shared his family life and spoke and read from Proverbs 5 . . . Warning Against Adultery . . . this is a prevalent issue here in Nicaraguaas it is in the United States, and all around the world as this stronghold, as most sins, has no boundary.
Mark shared how since he has cometo know Jesus how challenging it is to share Jesus with his friends who are on the wide path and who know not the love and strength of the Lord in their lives. I know there are many reading this now who too are on the wide path who know not this love. The love and power of Jesus Christ in your lives. Mark challenged the men to take advantage of opportunities to share Jesus when they have the opportunity not afterwards as is so common.
At the conclusion of our time, we thanked God and prayed. I began to close and asked once again, if there was anyone who wanted to commit to Jesus Christ, ask for forgiveness of their sins, invite Jesus into their hearts, and become a new creation today. After a minute or so, I began to close our time and a man raised his hand . . . I asked if he had something to share or if he wanted to commit to Jesus Christ. He indicated he wanted to accept Jesus. We invited him up . . . we had him in the middle of the circle, and we laid hands on him . . as I prayed for our new brother Francesco, the sounds of men praying in Spanish and our team praying in English was absolutely beautiful.. We welcomed our brother into the Kingdom . . . I told Franceso that I ( and our team ) would never forget him as God had given me a wonderfulbirthday present, in him, as yesterday was the 9th anniversary of accepting Christ and turning my life over to Him. Hallelujah. Francesco and Ishare the same birth date . . . January 22nd . . born again . . . in the love of Jesus Christ's eternal sacrifice. Amen.
After we prayed, I spoke to Francesco through our translator Luis, who accepted Christ a year ago while he worked with our team, and he told me that earlier in the day he felt a presence that told him he needed to come to church that night. He didn't want to but the presence was so strong he said he had to come. He said as he heard us speak he knew it was a divine appointment and he was to surrender to Jesus tonight. Hallelujah! I thanked him for his encouragement, his obedience, and him revealing the true nature of Christ to us tonight. I gave Francesco my disciple's cross, that my friend Pete makes for me, and we just, 'coincidentally' had one Santa Biblia left, and we wrote the date, Francesco'sname and that the bible was a gift from God through For the JOY, Brighton, Michigan, for him to always remember the day his life with Jesus began. Hallelujah! It was a glorious time and all for His glory not ours. He was glorified!
One last thing . . . there are many reading this devotional who have yet to turn their lives over to Jesus, to commit, to surrender, to ask God for forgiveness of their sins, as Francesco did last night. There aren't any sins that God will not forgive if we in our heart, and He knows our heart,truly seek Him, repent, commit . . . and fix our eyes on Jesus. If you too are being lead to accept Jesus . . . ask Him, invite Him in . . . let me know or let someone you know who knows Jesus. And as Francesco did . . start your new life in Christ today. Jesus died for our sins and our eternal invitation to spend with Him forever. We all make a choice even when we don't . . . no choice is still a choice. May God richly bless you.May the old disappear and the new rise in you. Make today the day you too accept Jesus and be born again. Your life will never be the same . . .and you will come to know and feel a love that you never realized existed.

The sounds of Nicaragua
(From January 21, 2009)

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another --- and all the more as we see the Day approaching. -Hebrews 10:25
Each morning while we are at our mission base of El Ayudante ( ) we have breakfast at 0700 and our worship and devotion time is at 0730. Each day when we begin to congregate for our worship and devotion time there is an array of different kinds of birds that begin to congregate in the rafters of the meeting area and the trees that surround it.When we begin to worship and sing it is incredible harmony. The different songs that the birds sing can only give us a glimpse of what the music may be like in heaven. The pitches of the songs sung by the birds are of every octave that we can hear and we are surrounded by their beautiful music.Most mornings before breakfast we will walk in the neighboring barrio called Ruben Dario. It is a great opportunity for those here for the first time to get immersed into the culture. We hear the sounds of the neighborhood ( barrio ) . . we'll hear manyroosters crowing, the sounds of people sweeping the roads and their yards, the tortilla lady making her tortillas and calling outto prospective customers . . . just Wednesday morning we heard the commotion of a chicken that was flying from tree to treeand a group of young men trying to shoot it down with their slingshots . . . we hear the sounds of motorbikes, children playing,and sounds of people cutting wood. There is an abundance of sounds and if you aren't attentive it is easy to miss them. When walking with Don and Mark this morning . . . we were able to point out different sites as we all were seeing different things. Itgot me to thinking about our walk with Christ. Walking through the barrio . . . being attentive and pointing things out to each other. Walking with Christ.How is our walk with Christ? What is it we miss when we are not attentive to the sounds ( God's revealing nature ) and to theholy presence of the Lord in our day? What is it we miss when we are not focused on Him? What is it we miss when we are not in the Word discovering our God? Do we hear the sounds? Do we fellowship with men and women so they can lift us upand point us in the right direction and hold us accountable? Or are we like my friend JT, who was a 'lone ranger', and if so arewe feeling as he did . . . . JT said that " this lone ranger thing isn't working "! How is it working for us if we too are a lone ranger? When we fellowship with ourselves we miss much . . . we miss the sounds . . . we miss the opportunity to learn and tosee what others see and hear from our God. The bible tells us to not stop meeting together. Do we meet with other Christianson a routine basis . . . or . . . do we miss out on what God has for us through our brethren? Do we miss the sounds . . . do wemiss the attentiveness of others who do positively affect and benefit our walks? Why not make today the day that we committo hearing the sounds and having greater attention through the fellowship of our brothers and sisters. No wonder Jesus hungout with His disciples . . . He was teaching them as He can teach us today.At night, it is very quiet at El Ayudante . . . but in the morning at 0725 our choir will appear and share God's gift of music onceagain. Hallelujah. We serve a great BIG God.-Scott

Martha of Nicaragua
(From January 20, 2009)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!-2 Corinthians 5:17
Last year while we were ministering in Nicaragua we met a school teacher named Martha. Martha had a strong appearance of unhappiness and had the look of someone who had no hope. She and a few of her fellow school teachers were watching our team paint her school. The Holy Spirit had directed us to work an additional day at Pablo Morales school and we had the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with Martha.
The last day, a day that we weren't scheduled to be at Pablo Morales, our friend Ayele lead Martha in her prayer of salvation. Later that evening a team went to Martha's home to pray with her.
Prior to our departure for Nicaragua last Saturday, our hope was to see Martha again and see how God has created anew in her.
This morning the men on our team went to share encouragement and the word with a professional baseball team in Leon. We shared with them accountability, what the bible says about 'bad company', we shared temptation, and we shared why being a good person will not get you to heaven . . . we walked them through the ten commandments.
After meeting with the ball team, we went to a rural area, near Pablo Morales to do Vacation Bible School with about 60 pre and early elementary aged children. Our host was Ramona, whom we first met in 2006, when we painted her school building. She, like many teachers in Nicaragua, use their homes to teach, get no funding, nor any pay for their work. Ramona is a true blessing to the area and the children she works. After the VBS, a few of us went to see if Martha was at Pablo Morales school as we were delivering teacher packs to them.
Martha was tutoring a few students . . . school is out until February; but, Martha and her team were there dedicating time to her students. She on the otherhand makes a minimal amount of money with no supplies provided. Martha looks amazing and she exudes hope and happiness. Martha shared with us that that day last January changed her life forever. She loves Jesus. Is happy. Attends church each Sunday and is content in knowing that Jesus loves her and she Him.
Last year, God directed us to spend time with Martha when we weren't even scheduled to be at her school, gave us the opportunity, obeyed, and here it is a year later and we see what a new creation she is in Jesus Christ.What about us? Are we a new creation? Have we, like Martha, taken the step to invite Jesus into our hearts? Is the old self, the dying self,still alive in us? If it is, and I suspect it is in many of us, why not make today the day that we too invite Jesus in our hearts and we too willfeel the kindling of the Holy Spirit in us and the old self leave us as it did Martha. Commit today and let someone who knows Jesus know about your new commitment.
Nicaragua 2009
For The Joy Ministries
Return Report

We bring many Dios Bendiga (God Bless) and Gracias (thank you) to you from the people of Nicaragua.

Thank you for your prayers for our team. Everyone remained healthy while in Nicaragua and our daily travels were safe.

God Continues to Work Mightily in Nicaragua!

Thank you for your donations of hygiene supplies, the supplies we received enabled us to put together over 200 hygiene kits to give to the adults and children we ministered to.

We delivered Bibles and food packages, consisting of: rice, flour, matches, coffee, sugar and oil, to 50 families, which cost our team per family, $3.15 ($159.50 total).

We had three Vacation Bible School programs, during the week at 2 different preschools, and one orphanage for girls. Thank you for the Beanie Babies and small gifts you gave to our team, these were given to each child as our goodbye o them at the end of our time together. Supplies used for Vacation Bible School were divided up between the preschools and orphanage.

Teacher supply packs consisting of: staplers, grade books, charts, tape, scissors, pens and pencils were also given to each preschool and the girls orphanage.

Please remember the people of Leon, Nicaragua, in your prayers. Two Ford auto supplier factories will be closing leaving 1,000 more people out of work, adding to the present 80% unemployment rate.

Dios Bendiga!

Tammie and Lauren Fenn

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Church Services

We attended Sunday morning Service in William Fonseca, Iglesia de Dios with Pastor John Paul and Sunday evening worship service in Leon with Pastor Obed, at Mount Horeb Iglesia.

Both services were very lively, lots of music and those who like to worship by clapping hands, holding their hands in the air and dancing. I heard a lot of familiar music in both services. I sang along in English as much as I could, but at times was so moved to hear the local people sing in Spanish that all I could do is clap my hands and enjoy the singing they were doing! People sang in loud lovely voices, lifting their praises to God. It was unlike any service I have been to in the States.
At Pastor Obed's church he preached a message of who is suppose to be most important in our lives, God. Many people came forward to recommit their lives to God or some committing their life for the first time to God. When he did the altar call I was very surprised at how many attenders walked up to the front to be prayed over. A few of our team members went forward to pray over them. In my last post I included a picture of a lady with Scott and Lauren. I had the honor of praying for her. She told me that she is a widow and misses her husband so much, that her life is very lonely.

Every person we ministered to or with was very warm and relational. When we visited families in their homes we were offered a chair to sit in and something to drink. When we were able to took the chair but refused the drink stating we brought some with us.(remember dont drink the water in 3rd world countries, believe me it isnt worth it!)

I feel the best part of doing ministry work we were doing was the babies, toddlers, and young school aged children we worked with. They loved talking to us about whatever they were coloring or createing during VBS. They would hug us, give us smiles and share their supplies we used. All the children were very well behaved. I am sure each one of us had at least one child we enjoyed playing with while we ministered.

We also ministered to many more adults than children this trip. We had weekday men's and women's Bible studies at the churches we visited on sunday. It was so wonderful to be there ministering to those who needed love that we could share. The people were so precious. Many of them would come and greet us before sitting down, thanking us for attending services that morning. When we ladies had the Bible studies, we stood at the doors greeting each woman who entered the sanctuary. We would receive a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I loved serving in this country where the people were willing to introduce themselves and not shy away! :) It was a wonderful feeling to recieve a hug but it was a great thing to give hugs to those people who many not receive any at all!
~With Love, Joy, and Peace,
Tammie Kay pics by Scott Bondy