We travelled by bus, either the team bus of the school bus that is used By El Ayudante for the children.
We had one of three interpretators travelling with us all the time.
They only times they were not available to us was during a movie we went to see and in the middle of church worship services.
Any time we went ministering they were near ready to help us understand what was being said by the local people. Nestor, Nadia, and Luis are pictured at the left. There were several times where we had all three of them with us, at the larger VBS programs and when we did home visits and we were split up into three teams. Nadia is a student working on a masters degree in laboratory science, and Luis just graduated from Law School and will be enrolling in medical school. All three interpretators work alot! There are I think two or three other interpretators that work for El Ayudante.
Without having Nestor, Nadia or Luis with us the communcation between us and the local people would have been very difficult. I am getting better every time I go to Leon in understanding the language but speaking it is still hard for me. I have not figured out how to put a spanish sentence together! I love listening to people talk.
Photos by Scott Bondy
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