As in the past, I am sure we will experience a wide range of emotion. Many times when we are with the children a few will bond with us in the short amount of time we are with them. The most we spend at one site is 2-3 hours.
In my previous post I told you how we spend time with the children. It is always such a pleasure to play with the children. When the time comes to leave, everyone makes sure to give their "buddy" of the day a hug goodbye.
Sometimes there are smiles we share with them, and other times we are moved to tears.
Most times we wonder who ministered to who, we to the children...or the children to us. It doesnt matter everyone involved is blessed!
Enjoy the pictures. I have more to come from previous construction projects my teams were involved with. I choose to not do construction the last two times I went, I am thinking about helping out this time. Pray that I am able, or my health allows me to participate in construction. ~~~~~God Bless ~~~~~Tanmie
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